What is a
Vibe Check?
A vibe check is a quick assessment of how you or others are feeling in the present moment. It's often used in a playful or lighthearted way to gauge how someone is feeling or to check how a situation or event is feeling. It's an invitation to reconnect in the present moment. Try it out!
Benefits of a
Vibe Check
Taking a moment to do a vibe check with yourself can have numerous benefits. It allows you to become more self-aware and in tune with your emotions, which can lead to better decision-making and improved relationships with others. Additionally, it can help you identify any negative thought patterns or behaviors that may holding you back, allowing you to make positive changes and live a more fulfilling life.
It may also support you with:
Increased productivity
Reduces stress
Moment of gratitude
Slow down and focus
Set your priority in the moment
Connect with the present moment
Vibe Checks